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Building Lives On a Firm Foundation

Revised February 2022

CLCS abides and adheres to FERPA general guidelines for students.

Security Card Entry System

  1. Cards are assigned to all students in Grades 6-12 to enter the buildings 100, 200, 400, and the Gym. Students will not have access to enter the elementary building. Only students (i.e. Student Aids) will have access to that building.
  2. Cards will need to be turned in at the end of the school year to be reassigned. Failure to turn in your entry card or a damaged card will be a $10 fine.
  3. Students are asked to enter the courtyard doors for classes, not the end doors.
  4. The cards have a programmed computer chip in them.
  5. Student cards will give students access to the buildings from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on scheduled school days (cards are inactive on holidays and/or days when school is not in session
    [i.e. snow days])
  6. To enter the building: hold the card to the card reader that is installed to the right of the doors, you will hear a “click” that will deactivate the magnets that are securing the doors closed.
  7. Sensors are installed to deactivate the door locks when exiting the buildings. In case of a sensor failure, push the green button installed to the left of the exit doors.
  8. Lost or damaged cards will be deactivated and students will be charged $10 for replacement costs.
  9. Keep your cards secure. Students are not to “loan” their cards to other students, your entry number is logged into the system each time it is used.
  10. Irresponsible security of the card (i.e. lost and found card) will be 5 demerits per offense.
  11. If you find an entry card, turn it in immediately to the school office.
  12. If your card is lost or stolen, report immediately to the office so that your number can be deactivated and a new card can be assigned to you. There will be a $5 charge (unless the card is found and returned to you).
  13. Misuse of the card, which would include tampering with another student’s card or the entry system, will be 10 demerits for each offense.


  1. Doors are locked at all times. however…

    • Elementary students who arrive after 8:15 and before 8:30 will be admitted to the Elementary Building without the necessity of parental accompaniment. Mrs. Griffith will be posted near the entry to the elementary doors to monitor and allow students to enter. She will record the student’s name on a Tardy/Admission Form, note the time and reason for the tardy, and provide a “Permit to Class” slip for the student to be admitted to their respective elementary class.
    • Students who arrive after 8:30 a.m., parents will need come to the main school office and sign their child(ren) in at the front desk. We will either have our Student Office Aid escort the child(ren) to class or (if an aid is unavailable) provide a “Guest” pass to the parent, to gain access to the Elementary building, to escort their child(ren). A teacher will collect the “Guest” pass from the parent.

    God has blessed all of us with a wonderful Christian school and a marvelous opportunity to honor Him.  Let’s work together to strive for excellence as we press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil 1:9-10; 3:14).

From the Administrator

Dear Parents and Students,

The Cross Lanes Christian School is first a CHRISTIAN school. The spiritual emphasis of the school is of far greater importance than its academic standing in any community. The school should ever keep the spiritual life “red hot.” It is a given that academic excellence should characterize the school; however the “heart” of the student is more important than the “head.” If the heart is right, the head will be right. Teaching the child to “be” is far more important than teaching the child to “do.” Therefore, our priority is in our name. We are Cross Lanes CHRISTIAN School, Christian before school, Christian before athletics, Christian before extracurricular, etc. Developing a proper Christian worldview is the ultimate purpose of a Christian school education. Students equipped with a proper Christian Worldview are better able to function in society, better able to cope with trials and circumstances that cause some to fall into sin and become cynical toward God, country, and life in general. It is a great privilege to have the opportunity to learn in a Christian atmosphere. From the educator’s perspective that privilege reminds us also of the enormous responsibility the school bears in assisting the parents in training, nurturing, and admonishing their children. The educators of CLCS do not take that privilege nor responsibility lightly. The philosophy of the school is summarized succinctly by declaring that we, the school, are not a substitute for the (home) parents, but a supplement to the (home) parents. This Student/Parent handbook is designed to assist parents and students in the directions of the daily operations of the school. Thank you again for considering Cross Lanes Christian School.

For Christian Education,

Mr. Eddie Riley

School Administrator

From the Pastor

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Cross Lanes Christian School! What a joy and privilege it is to attend a Christian School. The testimony of our school is well known across America, and our graduates are well accepted in institutions of higher learning. We are deeply indebted to the members of Cross Lanes Baptist Church who have sacrificed time and finances to provide such a wonderful facility to house this ministry. Also, it is an honor to have such a godly and dedicated teaching staff. Some of the best educators in West Virginia teach at our school. We are very grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to train the youth of tomorrow in a Christ-centered atmosphere. Thank you for considering our school. We are committed to serving you in Christian education with a mark of excellence. We have done more than keep our cost competitive; our tuition is one of the lowest in our area for a full-service school. That is our commitment to you and your family. This handbook details our commitment to integrity. The principles contained in this book have been proved to be successful. Please read it thoroughly and discuss it with your student. Your cooperation will only enhance the education process. Honestly, our only goal is to aid you in rearing your child in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Please let us know if there is any way that we can assist you. May the Lord bless you as you serve Him in the days ahead.

Dr. Dave Buckley
