First Day of School 2024

The skies were a little grey and cloudy on our Cross Lanes Christian School campus Monday morning, August 19, on the first day of the 2024-25 school year; but the rain held off for middle and high school students to gather in the courtyard before classes began. Greeting us from the morning car line were sparkling eyes, confident eyes, hesitant eyes, and eyes wide with anticipation of a great adventure! Mr Riley and Mrs. Campbell greeted students exiting their cars in car line. High school students made their way up the front lawn stairway to their classes—some their first year with us and some their last.

The morning began officially with senior, Elijah Kiser, reading Morning Announcements to make sure everyone knew what to expect for the day, the week, and the rest of the year.

Our school office buzzed with activity during an extended homeroom with parents stopping by to turn in needed paperwork, students needing schedule adjustments, seniors applying for senior privileges, and student drivers applying for parking passes. But, by the beginning of first hour, the halls were clear and classrooms calm and orderly, everyone in place for the beginning of another great school year!

Welcome back, students!