Home School Co-op

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CLCS Home School Co-op Policy

  • The purpose of this cooperative initiative is to offer our neighbors who have selected homeschooling, an option for participation in a traditional classroom setting, fine arts and sports participation.  It will be a service to the homeschool community and a bridge for them to CLCS should they come to a point in their education where the family desires a more traditional classroom setting.

    The following criteria will be followed in this initiative:

    1. Both parties (CLCS and the Homeschool Family) must be desirous of this arrangement. The normal application, interview, and entrance testing procedures apply.
    2. The student must be formally accepted into the initiative and granted status as a student at CLCS.
    3. Normal enrollment and application fees must be paid.
    4. Classes must be at the age and grade (academic) level of the participating student. No exceptions or revision of the schedule can be made to accommodate any perceived inconvenience.
    5. Book Fee: If applicable, students will need to purchase the textbook for all enrolled courses.
    6. Class attendance is mandatory. Students must be faithful to attend class each week. Students who are absent more than 10% of the possible scheduled classes will not receive credit for the class regardless of the grade.
    7. Should the student decide to enroll as a full-time student at CLCS, class fees will be credited toward full-time tuition. Athletic fees will not be credited.
    8. Credit costs are as follows:
      1. ½ credit class – $400.00 (non-refundable) (meets less than 4x weekly)
      2. full credit class – $700.00 (non-refundable) (meets at least 4x weekly)
    9. Fine Arts Fee: $150.00 (non-refundable) Choir, Band, Art, (does not include private lessons fees)
    10. Homeschooled students are required to be in school uniform while in class at CLCS. In addition, students taking PE are expected to purchase regular PE uniforms. The current CLCS dress guidelines will need to be followed.
    11. Homeschooled/part-time students may participate in the High School Commencement ceremony. They must pay all applicable fees, submit to all guidelines and directions, and attend all senior meetings, including parent meetings.
    12. However, in order to receive a CLCS diploma, all credits must be earned and reported to the guidance counselor and the student must be a full-time student during the senior year. Otherwise during the commencement ceremony, the part-time student will only be presented with a diploma cover that must be returned after the program.
    13. Part-time students are not eligible for homecoming court or student government offices.
    14. Part-time students are encouraged to participate in CLCS special activities: homecoming events, socials, retreats, etc. (at administrative discretion)

    We welcome participation that fulfills the above criteria for enrollment into the CLCS Homeschool Initiative.  Students may choose to attend more than one class at CLCS, but a minimum of 2 (full-time equivalent [HS=2 credits]) classes are required to participate in extracurricular activities and events as a student at CLCS.  A full time class is defined as meeting at least 4x per week (see #2 below).

    A student enrolled in more than 4 traditional core classes will be classified as full time and be required to pay full tuition. We look forward to partnership with area homeschoolers as we continue to “Build Lives on a Firm Foundation”.

Part time Student participation in CLCS Extra-curricular programs (Fine Arts/Athletic Teams)

  • These additional stipulations must be adhered to if the home school student desires to participate in CLCS’ extracurricular programs.

    1. Students must be enrolled in school by the beginning of first semester for first semester extracurricular events and by the beginning of second semester for second semester extracurricular events. The perception of enrolling just to participate is denied.
    2. Students must be enrolled in at least one core academic class each semester. Core is defined as:  Math, Science, English, Bible (including Chapel), and History.  The class must be a full time (meets a minimum of 4x weekly) class.
    3. Students must also be enrolled in a second class each semester. Their schedule must be equal to a total of 2 full time classes per semester.  If student chooses a second class to be a part-time class (a class meets less than 4x weekly), then two part-time classes must be taken to equal the second full time class requirement to participate in CLCS extracurricular activities.  In this scenario the student would then be enrolled in three classes at CLCS.
    4. Online classes will not count toward the CLCS homeschool extra-curricular participation requirements. However, additional online courses may be taken to meet certain conference requirements.
    5. Athletic Fee: All sports will have the same athletic fee – $350.00 per season.
    6. Age Requirements: (for athletic competition only)
    7. For varsity teams, student-athletes who have not attained his or her nineteenth birthday prior to August 1 of the current school year of participation are eligible.
    8. For middle school teams, student-athletes are eligible who have not attained his or her fifteenth birthday prior to August 1 of the current school year of participation are eligible.
    9. There will need to be an evaluation of academic eligibility for home-instructed courses as well as CLCS-instructed courses on the same consistent timetable as all full-time student-athletes are checked. Home educated students will need to submit proof of grade level status prior to entrance and participation in the school’s extra-curricular program. Since CLCS athletes are checked for eligibility approximately every three weeks, homeschooled students will need to submit to the Athletic Director a progress report of current courses taken at home approximately every 3 weeks. Homeschooled student-athletes that are determined ineligible will follow the same procedure to regain eligibility as full-time student-athletes.