Veterans were honored by our talented music and art students at our Veterans Day celebration November 11. Mr. Riley, administrator, welcomed everyone to the celebration. Patriotic artwork by our art students, taught by Mrs. Heidi Campbell, was on display behind the refreshments that our PTF had provided for our veterans.
The handbell choir, directed by Mrs. Madonna Estep, performed “America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee).” Several students participated in presentation of the poem, “Ragged Old Flag.” Dressed in their classy new red and white choir uniforms, directed by Mrs. Sherri Stephens and accompanied by Mr. Mark Boyd, choir students performed “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
In honor of Vietnam veterans, the choir performed “More Than a Name on a Wall.” Each music school (elementary, middle school, and high school) sang a verse of “It Is Well With My Soul,” concluding with all choirs harmonizing in a moving fourth verse and chorus.
Mr. Riley recognized veterans from each branch of the service while student flag bearers displayed the flag for each branch.
Thank you to all who made this a wonderful celebration and, most of all, thank you to our veterans!